Saturday, December 13, 2008

Hey bloggers, go to the new blog, Peace, War and Politics!

Luke Spartan

Thursday, December 11, 2008


Hey bloggers, this is kindof like 2 posts in one
1st tell me your opinions on dating
2nd tell me who you think that i should ask out, must be a girl, single, and come on people, make it reasonable!!

Luke Spartan

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Bored to tears!! :(

Hey guys, i am bored to tears and you should tell me some fun stuff to do.
(Jack, nothing perverted!)


Hola fellow bloggers, hows it hangin?
Well i am here 2 talk 2 u all about the dance, did u like it, did u hate it? come on ppl, talk 2 me!!